Saturday, 25 February 2017

5 Habits of Successful People Before 8 a.m.

Setting a positive, productive tone for the day is all about giving yourself time to get your wits together. Prepare for your entry into the work arena, if you want to win there.

The difference between successful people and everyone else is the way they utilize time. With only so many hours in a day, you need to maximize those hours. The best of the best are up early and getting to work before their peers have rolled out of bed. So, what are the top five habits of successful people before 8 am?

1. Use a real alarm clock.

You might look at this tip and wonder what difference it really makes. A real alarm clock forces you to get out of bed. For example, if you use your phone as an alarm clock all you have to do is reach over and press the screen. Unsurprisingly, most people take five more minutes.

2. Take some time to breathe.

Successful people don’t leap out of bed and head for the computer. They understand the importance of reducing stress and relaxing. More often than not, they’re the people enjoying a cup of coffee or reading a book before they get started with the day’s work.
Rituals like this will enable you to clear your head and get yourself in the right state of mind for the day ahead.

3. Set out your clothes the night before.

Setting out your clothes for the next day is a sign of an organized mind. It means the next day is going to be all about what you’re going to do, rather than focusing on trivial matters. This will save you time the next day and enable you to maximize every single minute.

4. Get in a workout.

Fitness is important for your health. Successful people prioritize a workout for another reason, though. Exercise is scientifically proven to get those endorphins racing. Endorphins are the happy drugs that your brain produces in certain circumstances, and one of them is exercise.
It doesn’t have to be a sweaty, exhausting workout. It could involve some gentle minutes on an exercise bike, a short jog, or a yoga session. Find something that works for you.

5. Read something you enjoy.

We mentioned earlier how successful people tend to read when they get up early. They don’t watch TV or catch up on work emails. Reading gets the brain working, and it improves comprehension. But reading something negative or something boring, such as that email from your boss, sets a tone for the day.
Consider starting off the day with a self-improvement book or something that you can learn from. For example, if you’re interested in financial news start with that.

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Prabhakar Tiwari 
